CWAAF Center for Traumatic Stress Research and Advocacy
CWAAF’s Traumatic Stress center focuses on issues related to traumatic stress research, policy tinktank and advocacy
Our goal is to beam the search light on traumatic stress, its causes, dimensions and manifestations and advocacy for interventions.
Brief background
Traumatic stress conditions and mental health conditions have not received needed attention in Nigeria as a matter of policy. Traumatic stress conditions are conditions that make continuous traumatic stress possible, the prevalence and pervasive the traumatic stress condition the more people are exposed to mental health symptoms the more likely people will become depressed and anxious. Unfortunately, in Nigeria, traumatic stress is under researched, understudied and misunderstood.
Mission of the Center
Mission of the Center Traumatic Stress Center is collaborate with local and international partners to mitigate the impacts of traumatic stress through research, seminars, conferences, workshops, advocacy.
Focused Areas
Serve as tinktank
International collaboration & partnership
The CWAAF Traumatic Stress Center is housed and managed by CWAAF.
Sadly, many of the traumatic stress related conditions are usually misunderstood, mischaracterized and neglected and or minimized as insignificant. The Center shall:
Advance scientific and academic knowledge on traumatic stress matters
Interventions/ support interventions where necessar
Educational resources, support academic institutions in Nigeria and internationally
Outreach programs, assist to mitigate the impact of traumatic stress at the intrapersonal, interpersonal and community levels through supportive interventions.
Training and internship, the Center will collaborate with colleges and higher institutions and relevant institutions to train and develop. capacity.